Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Important to work on the muscles

Protein - it's muscle tissue. Almost no protein in potatoes, pasta or bread
In order to cover the daily rate, you need to eat meat, chicken and fish. All other products close 150 grams of protein is almost impossible. https://www.smore.com/hvh5t-health-and-programWhat's most important to work on the muscles?
Impossible to achieve a result, changing the program every week or even every three months

Reconciliation of work "on the muscle" and "on relief" as meaningless - the body can not simultaneously burn fat and build muscle. http://healthandreviewprogram.blognet.me/2014/05/14/do-exercise-somanabolic-muscle-maximizer/
Execution of the program on the muscles , separation of training on the top and bottom of the body, four short workouts per week, the imposition of a separate cardio workout, full-protein diet and recovery - here are the basics of muscle growth. http://content2read.com/health-articles/training-program-supersets/
Most tend to overestimate the importance of sports supplements and select specific exercises, forgetting about the basic things such as adequate nutrition, recovery and progress working weights. But these things and are important for muscle growth. http://www.too4u.eu/blogs/266/611/training-program-supersets

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